Results for 'Kara N. Goldman'

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  1.  39
    Uterus transplantation in women who are genetically XY.Amani Sampson, Laura L. Kimberly, Kara N. Goldman, David L. Keefe & Gwendolyn P. Quinn - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (10):687-689.
    Uterus transplantation is an emerging technology adding to the arsenal of treatments for infertility; specifically the only available treatment for uterine factor infertility. Ethical investigations concerning risks to uteri donors and transplant recipients have been discussed in the literature. However, missing from the discourse is the potential of uterus transplantation in other groups of genetically XY women who experience uterine factor infertility. There have been philosophical inquiries concerning uterus transplantation in genetically XY women, which includes transgender women and women with (...)
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  2. Kierkegaard and the politics of time.Kara N. Slade - 2018 - In Roberto Sirvent & Silas Michael Morgan, Kierkegaard and political theology. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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    Do we need to redefine caring?Kara N. Mochan - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):221-221.
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    Do we need to redefine caring?aprn-bc Kara N. Mochan mn - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):221–221.
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    Shaping Public Theology: Selections from the Writings of Max L. Stackhouse ed. by Scott R. Paeth, E. Harold Breitenberg Jr., and Hak Joon Lee. [REVIEW]Kara N. Slade - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Shaping Public Theology: Selections from the Writings of Max L. Stackhouse ed. by Scott R. Paeth, E. Harold Breitenberg Jr., and Hak Joon LeeKara N. SladeShaping Public Theology: Selections from the Writings of Max L. Stackhouse Edited by Scott R. Paeth, E. Harold Breitenberg Jr., and Hak Joon Lee grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2014. 392 pp. $40.00Shaping Public Theology is the second major collection of essays focused on (...)
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  6. Ethics in context.James Mccloskey, Douglas N. Husak, Michael Goldman & Sidney Gendin - 1989 - Criminal Justice Ethics 8 (1).
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    Bulletin of the Asia Institute, n.s., Vol. 1 : Inaugural Issue.Amélie Kuhrt, Carol Altman Bromberg, Richard N. Frye, Bernard Goldman, George Masterton & Amelie Kuhrt - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):751.
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  8. Śāstra-sarvasvam.Navalakiśora Kāṅkara - 1978 - Jayapuram: prāptisthānam, Rameśa Buka Ḍipo. Edited by Nārāyaṇa Śāstrī Kāṅkara.
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    Einstein's God: Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.Robert N. Goldman & Albert Einstein - 1997 - Jason Aronson.
    Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.
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    India under the KushāṇasIndia under the Kushanas.Robert P. Goldman & B. N. Puri - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (2):447.
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    Paternalistic Laws.Alan H. Goldman & Michael N. Goldman - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (1):65-78.
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  12. Recensioni-Applicazioni filosofiche della scienza cognitiva.A. I. Goldman & N. Vassallo - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (2):362-365.
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    Verbal working memory predicts co-speech gesture: Evidence from individual differences.Maureen Gillespie, Ariel N. James, Kara D. Federmeier & Duane G. Watson - 2014 - Cognition 132 (2):174-180.
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    Catussūtrīśāṅkaraśārīrarakabhāṣyam: Bhāṣyaratnaprabhāprakāśākhyavyākhyāyutam. Śaṅkarācārya - 2022 - Haidarābād: Saṃskr̥ta Akāḍamī, Kendrīyasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayena mānitā Ādarśasaṃsthā, Usmāniāviśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Śriṣṭi Lakṣmīkumāra Śarmā, Ke Vi Sūryaprakāśa & Ke Nīlakaṇṭham.
    Śaṅkarācārya's commentary with supercommentary on Catuḥsūtra of Brahmasūtra.
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  15. Śrīmacchaṅkarācāryaviracitaṃ Brahmasūtraśāṅkarabhāṣyam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1929 - Banārasa Siṭī: Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Sīriza Āphisa. Edited by Ḍhuṇḍhirāja Śāstri, Pūrṇānanda, Govindānanda & Bādarāyaṇa.
    V. 1, Catuḥsūtryantapūrṇānandīyavyākhyāsaṃhitayā Śrīgovindānandapraṇītayā Ratnaprabhayā samanvitam; v. 2, Śrīgovindānandapraṇītayā Ratnaprabhayā samanvitam.
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    Death Is Just Not What It Used to Be.James N. Kirkpatrick, Kara D. Beasley & Arthur Caplan - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1):7.
    It is said there are only two things in life that are certain: death and taxes … maybe only taxes.
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    Aparokṣā'nubhūtih̥: Śaṅkarā''cāryakr̥ta ; Svāmividyāraṇyamuniviracitayādīpikayā sahitā ; sā ca anvayārtha'bodha-dīpikā'rthaprabhābhyāṃ Hindīvyākhyābhyāṃ samalaṅkr̥taḥ ; vyākhyākāraḥ sampādakaśca Vārāṇaseyonirmalamahāvidyālayīyaprācāryaḥ Maithilapaṇḍitaḥ Pāṭhakopādhikaḥ Cittanārāyaṇa. Śaṅkarācārya - 2012 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Vidyābhavana. Edited by Mādhava & Cittanārāyaṇa Pāṭhaka.
    Ancient work with Sanskrit and Hindi commentaries on Self-realization and Advaita philosophy.
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  18. Kur’an’ın Ezeliliği Bağlamında Sebeb-i Nüzûle Dair Çağdaş Değerlendirmeler.İrfan Kara - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 55:17-37.
    Bu makale, Kur’an’ın ezeli olup olmadığı bağlamında sebeb-i nüzûl ilminin değerlendirilmesini konu edinmektedir. Çalışmada ayetlerin şekillenmesi noktasında sebeb-i nüzûl ilmine biçilen rolün, modern dönem düşünürlerinin Kur’an tasavvurlarına göre nasıl farklılaştığının tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çağdaş müelliflerden ezeli Kur’an tasavvurunu kabul etmeyenlere göre sebeb-i nüzûl terkibinde kullanılan sebep, şart anlamı ifade etmektedir ki, bu da, ayetin varlığının sebebe bağlı olması anlamına gelmektedir. Ezeli Kur’an tasavvuruna sahip olanlara göre ise sebep, vesile/bağıntı anlamında olduğundan sebep ile ayetin varlığı değil, sadece inişine vesile olunması kastedilmektedir. (...)
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    Bakara/184. Ayeti̇n meâli̇ üzeri̇nden hüseyi̇n kazim kadri̇’ni̇n nûru’l‐beyân’ina bi̇r bakiş.Osman Kara Kara - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (29).
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    Putperest Arapların Dinlerini Temellendirmede Hz. İbrahim Tasavvurunun Etkisi.Cahid Kara - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 7):189-189.
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    At the roots of causality: ontology and aetiology from Avicenna to Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī.Kara Richardson - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-8.
    In At the Roots of Causality, Francesco Omar Zamboni examines several doctrines related to Avicenna’s writings on existence, contingency, and causality, which generated debate in the two hundred ye...
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    Almanya'daki Birinci Nesil Türk Göçmenlerin Türk Televizyonlarının Haber Bültenlerini İzleme Ve Değe.Eylem Şentürk Kara - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):883-883.
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    A-B Tipi Kişilik Özelliklerine Sahip İşgörenlerin Olası Bir Örgütsel Değişime Yatkınlıklarının Araşt.Hakan Kara - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1973-1973.
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    Madum Cinsiyet Üçüncü Dünya Feminizmi Yaklaşımıyla Wole Soyinkanın The Lion and the Jewel Adlı Ese.Mustafa Kara - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):847-847.
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    Ris'le-i C'me-şûy-n'me.Serdal Kara - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1537-1537.
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    100. Yılında Kut'ül Amare Savaşı'nı Hatırlamak: İngiliz Askerlerinin Hatıratlarında Kut'ül Amare'de.H. Ahmet Kara - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 13):123-123.
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    Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Alan Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı Öğretmeni Adaylarının "Ö.Ömer Tuğrul Kara - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):511-511.
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  28. McDermott, J., B11 Milders, M., B23 Needham, A., 215 Newman, RS, B45 Niedeggen, M., B23.P. Bloom, N. Burgess, J. B. Cicchino, F. M. del Prado Martın, G. Dueker, L. R. Gleitman, A. E. Goldberg, A. I. Goldman, T. Hartley & H. Intraub - 2005 - Cognition 94:257.
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    Ivan Turgenev’s Rome.Alexey Kara-Murza - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 7:124-142.
    This article examines the siginifcant role that Romeplayed in the life of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The author researches the “Roman” preferences of young Turgenev, who specialized in ancient literature and philosophy in Moscow, St. Petersburgand Berlin. Special attention is paid to the circumstances of 21-years-old Turgenev’s stay in the Eternal City in February–April 1840 and his relationship with members of Khovrins’ salon in Rome, espesially with the eldest daughter of Khovrin, Alexandra Nikolaevna, in marriage Bakhmeteva, whо became later a wellknown (...)
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    Osmanlı'da Huzur Dersleri Kronolojisi.Rıdvan Kara - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):275-302.
    Osmanlı’da Huzur Dersleri Ramazan ayında, padişahın riyasetinde belirli plan ve program çerçevesinde yapılan tefsir dersleridir. Bu dersler, III. Mustafa zamanında h. 1172/m. 1759 yılında resmiyet kazanmış ve hilafetin ilgasına kadar devam etmiştir. İslam ilim geleneğinde Huzur Dersleri; muhâkemât, muhâdarât ve mecâlîs gibi ilmi toplantılarla benzerlik göstermektedir. Bu dersler, ümera ile ulemanın ilmi meclislerde bir araya gelmesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Dönemin önde gelen ilim adamları, mukarrir (dersi sunan) ve muhatap (müzakereci) olarak bu derslerde görev almıştır. Bu toplantılara padişahlar; dinleyici, müzakereci ve yönetici (...)
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    Osmanlı’da Huzur Derslerine Katılan Erzurumlu Âlimler.Ömer Kara - 2017 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 47:57-74.
    Huzur dersleri, Osmanlıda padişah huzurunda ulemanın yaptığı müzakereli bir toplantıdır. Bu derslerin kapsam ve sistematiği ile ilgili kısa bir tanıtım yaptıktan sonra tarih boyunca bu derslere katılan Erzurumlu âlimleri tespit ettik. O kişinin bu derslere muhatap olarak katıldığını ortaya koyduk. Bunların biyografileri ve girdikleri derslerle ilgili ayrıntıları saptadık.
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  32. R'gıb el-Isfah'nî’nin İlmî Mîrası / R'ghib Al-Isfah'nî’s Academical Heritage.Ömer Kara - 2015 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44:9-66.
    Bu makale, Râgıb el-Isfahânî’nin hayatı, kisiligi, mezhebî mensubiyeti ve çok yönlü bilimselligi konularını ihtiva eden birinci makalemizin mütemmimi olarak tasarlanmıstır. Burada öncelikle Râgıb el-Isfahânî’nin, yetkin oldugu bilimsel alanlar basta olmak üzere, yazma ve matbu eserleriyle tüm ilmî mirası tanıtılacaktır. "kinci olarak da bu eserler üzerinde yapılan -ulasabildigimiz- bütün çalısmalar ele alınacaktır. Maksadımız, bir taraftan Râgıb’ın ilmî mirasını yazmasıyla matbusuyla ortaya koymak; kendisine nispet edilen eserlerin ona ait olup olmadıgını tespite çalısmak; öte yandan da üzerine yapılan çalısmaları serdetmek suretiyle Râgıb’ın hak (...)
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    The Multifaceted Role of Self‐Generated Question Asking in Curiosity‐Driven Learning.Kara Kedrick, Paul Schrater & Wilma Koutstaal - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13253.
    Curiosity motivates the search for missing information, driving learning, scientific discovery, and innovation. Yet, identifying that there is a gap in one's knowledge is itself a critical step, and may demand that one formulate a question to precisely express what is missing. Our work captures the integral role of self‐generated questions during the acquisition of new information, which we refer to as active‐curiosity‐driven learning. We tested active‐curiosity‐driven learning using our “Curiosity Question & Answer Task” paradigm, where participants (N=135) were asked (...)
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    The compatibility of mechanism and purpose.Alvin I. Goldman - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (October):468-82.
    Norman Malcolm's recent argument against the conceivability of mechanism rests on the claim that purposive explanations of behavior – that is, explanations of behavior in terms of desires or intentions – are incompatible with neurophysiological explanations of behavior. I admit that intentions or desires can be causes of behavior only if they are necessary for behavior, and, generally, that events can be causes only if they are necessary for their effects (except in cases of over-determination). What I wish to deny (...)
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    Emotional aftermath of the 2020 U.S. presidential election: a study of hindsight bias in younger and older adults.Mane Kara-Yakoubian & Julia Spaniol - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Hindsight bias – also known as the knew-it-all-along effect – is a ubiquitous judgment error affecting decision makers. Hindsight bias has been shown to vary across age groups and as a function of contextual factors, such as the decision maker’s emotional state. Despite theoretical reasons why emotions might have a stronger impact on hindsight bias in older than in younger adults, age differences in hindsight bias for emotional events remain relatively underexplored. We examined emotion and hindsight bias in younger and (...)
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  36. Teori ve Uygulama Açısından Me'llerin Girişleri.Osman Kara - 2017 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 47:9-30.
    Kur’ân meâllerinin çeviri tekniklerine uygun olarak hazırlanması, dil ve üslûbunun çağın diline uygun olması ve hitap ettiği kitleyi dikkate alması başarılı bir çeviri açısından önemlidir. Bundan daha önemlisi okurlara meâlin özellikleri hakkında teknik ve ön bilgiler sunan bir giriş kısmının hazırlanmasıdır. Çünkü bu konular mütercim tarafından meâlin bu kısmında ifade edilir. Ancak araştırmamız sonucunda meâllerin giriş kısımlarında belirtilen bu teorik bilgilerin muhtevası ve bunların ne ölçüde çeviriye yansıtıldığı konusunda bir çalışma yapılmadığını gördük. Bu makale, bazı meâllerden hareketle giriş kısımlarında zikredilen (...)
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  37. Shifting Between Models of Mind: New Insights Into How Human Minds Give Rise to Experiences of Spiritual Presence and Alternative Realities.Kara Weisman & Tanya Marie Luhrmann - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Phenomenal experiences of immaterial spiritual beings—hearing the voice of God, seeing the spirit of an ancestor—are a valuable and largely untapped resource for the field of cognitive science. Such experiences, we argue, are experiences of the mind, tied to mental models and cognitive-epistemic attitudes about the mind, and thus provide a striking example of how, with the right combination of mental models and cognitive-epistemic attitudes, one's own thoughts and inner sensations can be experienced as coming from somewhere or someone else. (...)
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    Examining the Concept of Consent in Terms of Positive Psychology.Elif Kara - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):571-593.
    Ensuring well-being ahead of positive psychology aims at the treatment of individuals with psychological problems. Positive psychology contributes to the improvement of traumatic processes. But there is more to the field of study of positive psychology than that. In studies in this field, it has become important for individuals to be empowered with their own internal resources and to feel good with their values. The aim of this study is to determine the relationships between the concepts of psychological well-being and (...)
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    Vallabhavedānta-Śāṅkaravedāntadr̥ṣṭayā advaitasiddhimaṇḍanam.Sudhākara Miśra - 2008 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālaye.
    Critical study of Advaita Vedanta philosophy from the Vallabhācārya, 1479-1531? and Śaṅkarācārya's view point.
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  40. Brahmasūtraśāṅkarabhāṣyam (catuḥsūtrī): Pūrṇānandīyavyākhyāsahitayā Bhāṣyaratnaprabhayā samanvitam = Brahmasutra Shaankara Bhashyam (Chatussutri): Ratnaprabha - Poornanandeeya. Śaṅkarācārya - 2017 - Sr̥ṅgagiriḥ: Śrīśaṅkara Advaitaśodhakendram. Edited by Pūrṇānanda & Rāmānandasarasvatī.
    Classical commentary on four sutras of Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa by Śaṅkarācārya; includes Ratnaprabhā of Rāmānandasaravatī and sub-commentary of Pūrṇānanda.
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  41. The locked-in syndrome : what is it like to be conscious but paralyzed and voiceless?Serge Goldman - unknown
    1Neurology Department and Cyclotron Research Center, University of Lie`ge, Sart Tilman B30, 4000 Liege, Belgium 2Neurorehabilitation Medicine, Hoˆpital Caremeau, CHU Nıˆmes, 30029 Nıˆmes Cedex, France 3Department of Speech Therapy, Hospital Pitie´ Salpe´trie`re, Paris and French Association Locked in Syndrome (ALIS), 225 Bd Jean-Jaures, MBE 182, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France 4Neurosciences et Syste`mes Sensoriels Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 5020, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – CNRS, 69007 Lyon, France 5Intensive Care Medicine, Hoˆpital Erasme, Universite´ Libre de Bruxelles, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 (...)
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    Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS Technologies.Vinata Vedam-Mai, Karl Deisseroth, James Giordano, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Winston Chiong, Nanthia Suthana, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Jay Gill, Wayne Goodman, Nicole R. Provenza, Casey H. Halpern, Rajat S. Shivacharan, Tricia N. Cunningham, Sameer A. Sheth, Nader Pouratian, Katherine W. Scangos, Helen S. Mayberg, Andreas Horn, Kara A. Johnson, Christopher R. Butson, Ro’ee Gilron, Coralie de Hemptinne, Robert Wilt, Maria Yaroshinsky, Simon Little, Philip Starr, Greg Worrell, Prasad Shirvalkar, Edward Chang, Jens Volkmann, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Andrea A. Kühn, Luming Li, Matthew Johnson, Kevin J. Otto, Robert Raike, Steve Goetz, Chengyuan Wu, Peter Silburn, Binith Cheeran, Yagna J. Pathak, Mahsa Malekmohammadi, Aysegul Gunduz, Joshua K. Wong, Stephanie Cernera, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Wissam Deeb, Addie Patterson, Kelly D. Foote & Michael S. Okun - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:644593.
    We estimate that 208,000 deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices have been implanted to address neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders worldwide. DBS Think Tank presenters pooled data and determined that DBS expanded in its scope and has been applied to multiple brain disorders in an effort to modulate neural circuitry. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 providing a space where clinicians, engineers, researchers from industry and academia discuss current and emerging DBS technologies and logistical and ethical issues facing the field. (...)
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  43. Sāṅkhya evaṃ Kāśmīra Śaiva darśana meṃ sr̥shṭi.Vijayaśaṅkara Dvivedī - 1997 - Vārāṇasī: Praśānta Prakāśana. Edited by Kr̥shṇakānta Śarmā.
    Hindu cosmology in Sankhya philosophy and Kashmir Saivism; a study.
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  44. Nirvāṇamañjarī, Nirvāṇaṣaṭkam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1965 - Srirangam: Sri Vani Vilas Press. Edited by Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar, R. Krishnaswami Aiyar & [From Old Catalog].
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  45. Nirvāṇadaśakamu. Śaṅkarācārya - 1984 - Haidarābādu: Surabhāratī Samiti. Edited by Yallaṃrāju Śrīnivāsarāvu.
    Verse work, with commentary, on the Advaita school in Hindu philosophy.
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  46. Mānava āṇi Mārksa.Prabhākara Pādhye - 1980 - Puṇe: Śrīvidyā Prakāśana.
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    Samartha Ramadāsāñce saṅgīta cintana.Kamalākara Paraḷīkara - 2006 - Mumbaī: Sãskāra Prakāśana.
    Study on views of Rāmadāsa, 1608-1681, on philosophy and aesthetics of Hindustani classical music, expressed in Dāsabodha, Marathi verse work on Hindu religious life.
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  48. Ātmapurāṇam: Upaniṣadratnam: R̥gvedopaniṣadvayārūpādhyāyatrayātmakah̤. Śaṅkarānanda - 1997 - Vārāṇasī: Śrī Dakṣiṇāmūrti Maṭha Prakāśana. Edited by Divyānanda Giri & Rāmakr̥ṣṇa.
    Substance of the Upanishads in verse; with Satprasava Sanskrit commentary and Hindi commentary.
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    Brahmasūtraśāṅkarabhāṣyam: ekādaśīṭīkāsaṃyutam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1997 - Dillī: Nāga Prakāśakah̤. Edited by Yogeśvaradattaśarmā.
    Commentary with 11 supercommentaries, on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, work on Vedanta philosophy.
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  50. (1 other version)Brahmasūtraśāṅkarabhāṣyam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1909 - Dillī: Motīlāla Banārasīdāsa. Edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri, Govindānanda, Vācaspatimiśra & Ānandagiri.
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